I just read a news about Twitter did not allow third party publish a paid tweet by Twitter API Service, a news make us said about this. If you had joined with some sponsored tweets service like
Sponsoredtweets ,
MyLikes or
Mapie . You may lose some money when Twitter apply a new rules.
As our primary concern is the long-term health and value of the network, we have and will continue to forgo near-term revenue opportunities in the service of carefully metering the impact of Promoted Tweets on the user experience. It is critical that the core experience of real-time introductions and information is protected for the user and with an eye toward long-term success for all advertisers, users and the Twitter ecosystem. For this reason, aside from Promoted Tweets, we will not allow any third party to inject paid tweets into a timeline on any service that leverages the Twitter API. We are updating our Terms of Service to articulate clearly what we mean by this statement, and we encourage you to read the updated API Terms of Service to be released shortly. Why are we prohibiting these kinds of ads? First, third party ad networks are not necessarily looking to preserve the unique user experience Twitter has created. They may optimize for either market share or short-term revenue at the expense of the long-term health of the Twitter platform. For example, a third party ad network may seek to maximize ad impressions and click through rates even if it leads to a net decrease in Twitter use due to user dissatisfaction. (Source)
With bloggers, we may lose chance for use sponsored tweets. But Twitter is only prohibit automated ads tweet , and they still allow for manual tweet. So we do not worry to much, we can put the sponsored tweet by manual update. With people have more than 10.000 followers, you can have minimum $100 by few tweets. You can join to many ads tweet and use them for get your money.
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