The 25-year old, who used to sell ads for Facebook, now supposedly as wedding plans with 29-year old Patrick Hammon. The pair were dating before the show even started, and he was the man Ali ran to as soon as taping was done.
“We are absolutely not dating, we are just friends,” Us reports Patrick as claiming. But his friends don’t agree.
One acquaintance says Ali and Patrick hooked up in San Jose before she left for the show, and when she got back.
And Ali’s public image as the gullible romantic who gets endlessly duped by scheming producers and contestants with issues is also causing some humor;
Friends say the sweet ingenue on your screen is really a fame-hungry socialite with unsavory secrets, a selection of friends that could live in your nightmares, and a romance with Patrick that makes her unfit as the star.
“She isn’t as innocent as she seems,” recently canceled contestant Justin Rego insists.
Ali and Patrick have been seriously dating since she finished the show. Those close to the couple say she loves him because “he’s good-looking and has a great career,” and a wedding is already in play.
“She’s already thinking about the details,” says one source.
Ali herself is required by her ABC contract to keep silent until after the show’s August 2nd finale from Bora Bora, but she recently shared a few fantasies.
“I don’t like to be glammed up,” she explained. “I’d want the dress to be really simple, my hair to be natural and I plan on wearing Converse sneakers.”
It seems either Ali or her close friends are not telling the truth, so whose version do you believe…