Levi Johnston’s sister claims Bristol Palin planned child

Levi Johnston - Bristol PalinAfter a very public break-up back in November, in which both sides gladly played to the press, Levi Johnston has now apologized to the Palin family for lying. But Mercede Johnston – Levi’s sister – is in no mood for peace;
20-year old Levi has tried to make peace with the Palins for weeks, and finally issued an admission that what he said was untrue, and that he just wants to sit by a campfire with Sarah and sing Kumbaya.Well, younger sister Mercede is not having that. She now claims that Palin got pregnant on purpose, and the whole ‘romance’ thing was a trap for her brother.“She and Levi were trying to  a child. As hard as it is to believe, they were indeed trying. It was not an accident! Also there were a number of rumors that she was already pregnant,” says one post.But that claim upset her brother, and Merede soon got a text on her phone that “brought a tear to my eye”:“Levi – who has not spoken to us since he rekindled his relationship with Bristol – left a message saying that if I did not take my blog down by Wednesday I would never get to see him or Tripp again.”Mercede found such a prospect hard to accept, but she refused to remove the offending post.“I came to a conclusion – I will not allow myself to be controlled by Bristol, like my brother is!” she writes. “I wish Levi could be the man I know he is and stand his ground, but I guess he’s blinded by love.”She also muses on the double standard in play; “How is it that I can’t speak my mind without Levi threatening to never speak to me, but Bristol can go on Facebook and call me names with no repercussions at all?” Finally she vows to practice her right to free speech, regardless of cost:“I will continue to blog,” she insists. “I am not afraid of the Palins. Maybe it is just me against a huge army of Palin supporters, but what else can they take from me? Nothing. Truth shall prevail.”So, has the Palin pathogen claimed one more victim, or will Mercede’s brave blogging bring her justice and win this cold war?Stay tuned, kids – this can only get smarter…