“I think Star magazine calling me a ‘cheater’ qualifies as defamation of character. I hope my lawyer agrees.” he tweeted on September 3rd.
But despite the apparently justified rhetoric there has still been no lawsuit – From Ashton or Demi. And it’s about to get worse;
The ‘magazine’s latest issue boasts an interview with a 21-year old woman who claims she and Ash slept together at his home, while Demi was out of town, and that the pair had “incredible chemistry.”
Well, there’s a surprise. But what happens next?
Do you think Ashton is dumb enough to get sweaty with a stranger at his own house? Will he let this story slide if it’s as false as he claims?
He and Demi could sue the Star into extinction, and half of Hollywood would be their defense….but so far there’s no suit.
One solution suggested by Laney is just crazy enough to be perfect – Ashton’s known as a producer, so the answer could be a reality show – ‘Celebrity Polygraph Test!’
Pick a celebrity scandal, then hook the magazine’s editor and their victim to a lie detector machine and let’s see who brought the BS. If the star’s right the story dies and their career is reborn. If not, their job prospects are instantly toast.
It’s a risk, but the payoff and potential ratings are huge!