Miss Universe 2009 contestants , performs in a national costume show in the Rainforest Theater at the Wyndham Hotel in Nassau, the Bahamas on Monday as part of the preparations for the Miss Universe 2009 competition, with the winner to be crowned Aug. 23. The national costume show is a traditional part of the run-up to the finals that has no bearing on the choice of Miss Universe.
The Miss Universe 2009 competition will air live on the NBC Television Network at 9:00 PM ET from ATLANTIS, Paradise Island, Bahamas on Sunday, August 23, 2009. Hand Out, Miss Universe L.P., LLLP
Some beautiful traditional costume
Viviana Campanile Zagorianakou, Miss Greece 2009
Elham Wagdi, Miss Egypt 2009
Diana Arno, Miss Estonia 2009
Martina Lee, Miss Germany 2009
Laura Valenti, Miss Italy 2009
Anja Jovanovic, Miss Montenegro 2009
Kristina Kots-Gotlib, Miss Ukraine 2009
Sofia Rudyeva, Miss Russia 2009