Kanye West and Lady Gaga tour nixed for poor sales

If Kanye West’s motive for his arrogant intrusion into Taylor West’s segment at the VMA’s was to boost his ego and cause some more sales, he’s failed to an awesome degree…
Kanye was due to embark on a nationwide tour called ‘Fame Kills’ with Lady Gaga this month, but the promoters have just pulled the plug. Rumors of why it was killed are easy to come by, but the real reason is as simple as it is well deserved – Nobody wanted to come.
The wave of anti-West sentiment the circled this nation on September 15 was enormous, and the message it sends is so clear even Kanye can’t block it out. His “Glow in the Dark” tour was sold out and Lady G is an upcoming name, but tickets are still on sale two weeks after release, and that shows no sign of changing – so the promoters stepped in and killed the whole deal.
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