Levi Johnston Heading To Court Against The Palin Camp for Joint Custody

Most would agree it has been a long time coming. Levi Johnston has decided to sue for joint custody of his son, Tripp.
According to Levi, the Palin family has made it near to impossible to see his infant son, and he has grown tired of the games.
“It’s not working. I’m done. It’s going to have to go to court. They just finally pushed me over the edge,” he told The Insider.
With a bitter battle brewing for months between Levi and Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor, VP nomination, ‘Death Panels’ originator, and mom of his ex, Bristol.
The two have been fighting endlessly in the media, about everything from the way the Palin’s handle media exposure, to Levi’s posing in one of the strangest ‘Who Cares?’ editions of Playgirl ever.
But Palin’s camp have made their own statement on the issue:

“Other than noting that Tripp’s father is always welcome to visit his son, we are unable to respond to these allegations as it is inappropriate to discuss child custody matters publicly.”