has reported that a ‘reliable source’ within the Spider Man production has given them the name of the latest comic book villan to be introduced in the new movie.
According to the source, Rachel McAdams has been cast to play the Black Cat.
For those of you not fans of the comic, or of the old cartoons, the Black Cat was a female cat burglar who robbed from the rich, while simultaneously trying to get her ill father out of prison.
She becomes obsessed with Spider Man, stalking him as a kind of love interest, until the two finally become allies, then friends, then begin a romance.
Some might question the choice of McAdams for the role.
She is a sweet-faced, wholesome actress that is known more for her work on movies like “The Notebook.”
But she has been stepping out of those roles, such as with her newest role in the new Sherlock Holmes monstrosity, due out next year. Maybe she will surprise us. Oh and hints are there will be a second, probably darker villain for spidey to battle.