Having not made a movie any sane being could endure in almost three years, Lindsay Lohan now has a new video preparing to debut which she’s hoping will sink without trace.A 47-second video of Lohan performing a sex act with a mystery man…Yes, a
man !…is now being touted around the less ethical media that are found in LA, but no-one is buying it…yet. “The video is pretty seedy and shows Lindsay engaged in a sex act which
should remain private,” says a source. “She was desperate to start 2010 on a good footing, and this is the last thing she needs.”True…But the publicity isn’t.The tape was apparently offered to the men’s magazine, Hustler for $150,000. But as the seller – described by the Mirror as ‘a waiter with a well-known chain restaurant’ – does not own it outright, both Hustler and the others refused to buy in case they get sued.However, the man was advised by possible buyers to upload the footage to a porn site outside the US. Once downloaded from
there it’s fair game for the world;“If, or rather
when it’s released on the internet, there’s nothing she or her lawyers can do about it,” says the snitch.If there was one shred of justice still left in this world, such an act would sink what little is left of her faded career. And Lohan allegedly knows it;“She’s very distressed – particularly as she’s working on cleaning up her act,” says the insider. “She just made a serious documentary for the BBC and she’s scared that’s in jeopardy now. It’s fair to say she’s had a pretty sordid 24-hours.”This whole story mirrors Paris Hilton’s self-serving maneuver so closely, it’s almost caricature; The heir-head had no career and no talent, then a sex tape gets ‘leaked’…and overnight she’s a name. Lindsay’s hype-enhanced ‘fame’ is deservedly dying and I challenge you to prove she did not start this story herself…