One of Britney Spears’ former bodyguards, Fernando Flores recently accused the singer of sexual harassment. But his latest claims could have the 28-year old singer facing charges of child abuse.
Flores, 29, quit his job two weeks ago as part of Britney’s security team, and has now told detectives a worrying story about her alleged care of her sons.“He claims the first incident was when she came into the pool-house and demanded his belt,” a source tells the Sun. ”He handed it over, then followed her into the house, where he says he then witnessed the alleged incident.”In another story Flores claims Britney served her sons shellfish and other foods to which they were allergic; Thus making them violently ill.For her part, Britney has strongly denied such behavior, insisting she’s never mistreated four-year-old Sean or Jayden, who’s three. But Flores told LA’s Department of Children and Family Services he regards Britney as too mentally unstable to be in charge of the boys.“Britney doesn’t mean to be a bad mom,” says a friend of Fernando. “But he feels she has so many problems she can’t be trusted around her boys.”The events to which Flores refers are supposed to have happened in April or early March. Staff at Child Services tried to interview Britney last week regarding the stories, but she’d left town.Those are the facts as we’re told them. Personally, I say this is just one more PR stunt, but what do you think?…