As she continues to walk on the edge of losing her freedom, as it turns out Lindsay Lohan barely escaped prosecution for a more serious crime a few years ago. Before getting into that, the wake of Lindsay’s current path of destruction now includes a new lawsuit filed in L.A. County Superior Court yesterday, which alleges she racked up a bill of $17,060.83 when she convinced the owners her business manager would pay the bill. The owners claims Lindsay committed premeditated fraud and are seeking the balance — $16,880.63 — plus interest and punitive damages. Penny ante stuff for Lindsay really but if one petty little crime doesn’t get her another eventually will?
Meanwhile back in day, TMZ reports that when Lindsay was pulled over for DUI back in 2007, the cop involved found a Clinique sun car card with a powdery substance on it in her back pocket. The cop somehow came to the conclusion that the white powder must be a crushed breath mint, and so he threw it in the trash before reconsidering.
Officer Knucklehead wrote in his report: “Some of the white substance fell to the floor. I used my foot to see what had fell but thought nothing of it. I did not recognize the substance attached to the card and initially thought the substance was a wet crushed breath mint. I put the card into the jail trash can next to the booking windows. I was looking at the floor and began to recognize the substance as resembling powder cocaine. I then recovered the card from the trash.”
The Clinique coke card could not be used in court, because the officer contaminated it by throwing it in the garbage, and Lohan was able to get away with pleading to the DUI and only spent 84 minutes in jail. Which is why I cringe everytime I see the LA cops involved in high profile cases.