Peter Crouch In Teenage Prostitute Scandal!

Premier League footballer Peter Crouch cheated on her beautiful fianceƩ Abbey Clancy with the 19-year-old Algerian-born prostitute Monica Mint!
DailyMail reports: “The affair is reported to have taken place after Crouch, 29, went on a stag weekend to Madrid ahead of the wedding of school friend Ed Aitkin.
A friend of Crouch asked how much she charged before she and the £70,000-a-week footballer got into a taxi together. He counted out 1,000 euros in cash – worth about £850 – before she performed a sex act.”
The prostitute, who apparently had no idea of his engagement to Abbey, said: “I can’t believe he paid for sex with someone like me when he has a gorgeous woman like her at home.”
“Peter had no hesitation in paying to have sex with me. He wasn’t nervous.” she told