George Michael defiant and quite delusional in new interview

 In a very candid interview with The Guardian, George Michael lived up to most peoples perception that he is currently a total mess, who at times makes Amy Winehouse seem almost normal.  Caught asleep at the wheel a number of times and arrested  last year, for being in possession of crack cocaine by police in public toilets in north London, George was reluctant to admit if he’s used crack of late. But to apparently show he was managing his life better George declared that he had cut back his pot smoking down from 25 joints a day to just seven or eight. I wonder if his dealer is selling him oregano, because seven or eight joints a day would put most people in a 24-hour coma. Yeah I know, not some of you out there though.

And he says of the falling asleep at the wheel, Just don’t assume he was drinking!

    “I had a problem with sleeping pills for about a year and a half, and I f**ked up really badly. I got in the car twice when I’d forgotten I’d already downed something to try to get me to sleep. It doesn’t matter that it wasn’t deliberate – ultimately, I did it a second time, and I could have killed somebody. But the fact remains I was never accused of driving under the influence. I got done for exhaustion and sleeping pills.”

And George is unapologetic about cruising for sex despite having a long time live in boyfriend, but tells The Guardian: “The handful of times a year it’s bloody warm enough, I’ll do it.

    “I’ll do it on a nice summer evening. Quite often there are campfires up there.

    “It’s a much nicer place to get some quick and honest sex than standing in a bar, E’d off your t**s shouting at somebody and hoping they want the same thing as you do in bed.”

And of friends like Elton John who have repeatedly tried to help George beat his drugs demons:

    “He will not be happy until I bang on his door in the middle of the night saying, ‘Please, please, help me, Elton. Take me to rehab’,” says George.

    “It’s not going to happen. Elton just needs to shut his mouth and get on with his own life.”

And the 46-year-old singer sees nothing wrong with the way he’s living his life:

    “People want to see me as tragic with all the [casual sex] and drug-taking… those things are not what most people aspire to, and I think it removes people’s envy to see your weaknesses,” he tells the British newspaper. “I don’t even see them as weaknesses any more. It’s just who I am.”