Kate and Jon Gosselin Officially Divorced

A judge has officially ended Jon and Kate Gosselin’s 10-year marriage, as the couple’s divorce  was just finalized.  Details will be coming out likely in buckets but we do hear, Kate is “thrilled” with the settlement she is receiving, and according to TMZ, will continue to reside with all eight of her children in the former marital home. Things all around look a lot rosier for Kate than Jon right now. The mother of eight recently made Barbara Walter’s 10 Most Fascinating People list of 2009 and is reportedly working on pitching a new reality show. Meanwhile Jon is being sued by TLC network for breach of contract, while a former lawyer is going after him for non-payment of fees.  TMZ claims that Jon is in immediate financial trouble now that the divorce is final, because he got nailed with huge child support payments said to be somewhere in the five figure range and because of the lawsuit with Bravo has no real way of payingv