Network Tests the Waters for a Salahi Reality Show

In another case perhaps of brazen stupidity being rewarded: Tareq and Michele Salahi, the affluent Virginia couple that successfully gatecrashed the Obamas’ first White House State Dinner for supposed aspirations of getting on the reality TV show “The Real Housewives of Washington DC”, may have accomplished more then they hoped. The Salahis could actually be getting their very own reality series on Bravo, if network executives think viewers are receptive to it.
Broadcasting & Cable discovered that NBC Universal which is the parent company to Bravo is hedging it’s bets to avoid a serious backlash by conducting  an online poll to gauge viewers feelings if it cast the Salahis in Bravo’s The Real Housewives of D.C. or possibly even in their own reality show. Among the “agree or disagree” questions: “Featuring this couple on a reality show would be rewarding their actions,” They would make great “love to hate” characters on a reality show, and “They are train wreck characters who I would love to see more of.”
NBC Universal seems to clearly know that it would be rewarding the Salahis for their bad behavior and at the same time cast themselves in a very bad light, but seem perfectly willing to do to so if they think it will attract enough viewers and thereby make money.  Another perfect example of how big corporations put the bottom line ahead of ethics and morals?