Rolling Stones’ Ronnie Wood has ended volatile affair with young girlfriend

When 62-year old, married Rolling Stones guitarist, Ronnie Wood got friendly with a waitress 42-years his junior there were bound to be sparks. And after 18-months of rows, rancor and reconciliations, Ron has decided it’s over for good.The London-born guitarist broke up with now-ex Russian girlfriend Ekaterina Ivanova, who’s 20, a few days after she had him arrested for allegedly assaulting her during one of their numerous rows. They reunited briefly, but after leaving his wife of 23-years just to be with Ms. Ivanova, Ron has finally decided to call it a day.‘He’s split up with that girl for good. It’s over.” now ex-wife, Jo tells the Daily Mail. ”And there’s no going back – he’s adamant about that.”Meanwhile, Ms. Ivanova, who is said to be ‘crushed’ by the news their connection is over, was spotted earlier this week sitting alone at a Chinese restaurant in Central London. Police reports reveal that Ron tried to choke her during a row in the early hours of last Thursday. Witnesses also claim he threatened to stub out a cigarette on her face, shouted abuse, and dragged her a short distance her along the street.Ron spent a night in the cells and is now out on bail, but insiders confirm that Ekaterina is not pressing charges.
Friends say that, despite a long history of alcohol problems, Ron is drinking again. But they also confirm  that this was ‘an extremely volatile relationship’, with Ekaterina often mocking Ron about both his age and his family, and even threatening suicide when he planned a simple meal with his wife.Their affair became public last July, and Ron’s wife,  Jo with whom he has two grown children quickly filed for divorce. The final decree that voided their marriage was issued early last month.