Roselyn Sanchez pictures

Roselyn Sanchez is known more as actor and model photos than Miss Puerto Rico. At age 34, she was ranked 33 in the top 100 Sexiest Women 2007 Planet of Maxim magazine .

Roselyn Sanchez was born and grow up in Puerto Rico, a country that has known many beautiful models .

At age 21, Roselyn went to New York to study the art of acting, dancing and singing. After the end of courses, she returned to Puerto Rico in 1992 and started appearing on the television serie films. Roselyn become Miss Puerto Rico, representing the country to Miss Universe in 1994.

In 2002 she was ranked 50th in the top 102 Most Attractive Women of the Planet by Stuff magazine and rank 49th in Maxim's Hot 100 list. Rosalyn Sanchez was a last name in the list of 100 Sexiest Women of 2005 Planet by Stuff magazine.

In the field of film, a few small roles on television and low budget film like Held Up, 2001 Rosalyn Sanchez to really be known as Hollywood appears next to Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker in Rush Hour 2. Roselyn also promptly gained considerable success in Hollywood with Basic - 2003 and most recently the comedy film The Game Plan - 2007.
Let's see more her beautiful photo

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