Redmond O’Neal, the troubled son of Ryan O’Neal and the late Farrah Fawcett is getting yet another chance in his battle with substance abuse. Tuesday, Judge Michael Tynan said he could return to an in-patient residential treatment facility near L.A. after spending a month in jail for violating the program’s rules. When he got busted in January, he had supposedly been clear of drugs for almost six months, but found trouble again while free on a 24-hour pass from his existing rehab.
The judge this time said O’Neal will get only supervised release passes going forward. Redmond claims he has finally committed to turning his life around following a checkered history of jail and drugs, and has released a handwritten note to RadarOnline in which he vows to leave his old life, and habits behind him.
In the note Redmond writes, “My plan is to go back with a new attitude and leave my old ideas behind. I am committed to doing this thing.”
I really hope so this time, but he is an addict who just keep finding ways of letting himself and everyone else down.