The 32-year old actor now joins a lustrous history of Unicef champions which includes David Beckham, Audrey Hepburn, Vanessa Redgrave and Ryan Giggs. His new duties include helping raise awareness of Unicef’s mission, and of the plight of poor children all over the world. As part of this task, Orlando will now star in a Unicef filmed appeal on the vital importance of clean drinking water.
“I look forward to working with Unicef as they continue to make the world a better place for children,” he told the BBC’s scribes.
Orlando’s been working with the New York-based body since 2007, when he visited remote parts of Nepal to support their sanitation and education programs. He’s also been active in campaigns helping people in Moscow and Bosnia. And all this work is unpaid.
His ongoing efforts to improve people’s lives have also made Unicef’s Exec Director, Ann Veneman quite a fan, “We are proud to have Orlando as one of the strong voices for vulnerable children,” she said in a statement. “The work of such high-profile goodwill ambassadors helps improve the lives of countless children all over the world.”
Oh, and by the merest coincidence, Orlando’s new movie, a romantic anthology called ‘New York, I Love You’ opens in theaters on Friday.
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