Cat named Nora, 5 years old, owner is Betsy Alexander- a music teacher, discover special talents playing offline when the cat is young. Nora foot surf on key forums and create its own rhythm.

Recently Nora acts as an artist in performance batch number of the Lithuanian commander - Mindaugas Piecaitis go with Klaipeda Chamber Orchestra.

"She loves visitors. She is a very gracious performer and she feels indebted to her public," Alexander said in a telephone interview from her home.

"It represented a rhythm and tunes clearly. It can surf on the keyboard like any other piano player. When students stop play, it stops playing. Further it also has the ability to play in the distance as eight students. Sometimes it play it plangent but gentle at Left, Left at the fast slowly.

Her performance catcerto on You Tube
Her solo
Very interesting with a cat.