After a break of almost ten years, Whitney Houston’s much-publicized comeback was a huge non-event.
With a calamitous 15-year marriage to Bobby Brown now behind her, the 46-year old singer chose Central Park for her comeback as part of ‘Good Morning America’s live concert shows. But while Whitney was back, the voice that propelled her to fourteen gold singles was not always there. “I’m sorry.” she told the 5,000-strong crowd. “I did ‘Oprah.’ I’ve been talking for too long.”
With admirable drive she then launched into, “I’m Every Woman.” and the fans, some from as far away as Australia, eagerly sang along in shared time. But some were less than impressed. “She couldn’t sing. She was really damaged,” said one dismayed fan. “I think she was really brave to come out with no voice.”
The formerly crystal-clear voice was now husky and devoid of the high notes which made her unique, but Whitney gathered all her experience and managed three live displays from “I Look To You,” her upcoming CD.
Her 1985 self-titled CD holds the world record as the highest selling debut by a female artist – 24-million copies and counting. And the depth of affection that album created was still clear at the park to this day, “It brought tears to my eyes,” said Raleigh Hatcher, who drove in from Jersey. “She’s been working hard, and it’s a lot to do. And she’s doing it well.”
Whitney finished her set after only three songs, and wild applause showed her fans were still eager for more. More than a dozen had camped out overnight to get close to the stage and their devotion was not spent in vain, “I’d rather be too early than late,” said one young fan from Manhattan. “I think this is great. She’s my idol.”
Another young fan had a most telling review, “Everyone falls down and everyone stumbles.” Ky Davis, 32, of Plainfield, NJ told New York’s Daily News, It’s how we pick it up and keep going,”
Source hotmammagossip