New Japanese invents

Famous throughout the world with a series of movie films and animated comics feature, people in Japan everyday life is also found with humor product design applications.

1. Pillow is the Japanese type ...

This help you fun and comfortable when using this product

Those you see he ... enjoy. In around Christmas, the designer has launched a series of product are included - special gift for gentle man.
Do you want buy one?

2. Masks provide Oxi Clean Air

In the current world, environmental pollution is always a hot issue to the people concerned. Famous whole world with the development of home appliances, cars and other modern tools, saving energy. Recently, Japan also got a tool to provide natural Oxi and fresh.

3. Morther Milk

"Mother milk" box with attractive cover

Sensitive to the fast current situation, where a wide range of milk powder products for children suspected of quality, Manufacturers, Japan has launched a breakthrough product: canned milk. " Besides concerns about the reliability of this type of milk, consumers are more questions: "This company is using the workers' How so and how many workers?"

4. Milk+Beer= Bilk

Shop owner hand on posters promoting the brand of beer and milk cows-Bilk

A new product made of a large Japanese girls extremely excited , all she can enjoy quite beer flavor milk cows. In addition to the non-alcohol beer drinking is the invention of a drink, just deliciousness, with the effect an increase quality of sleep is very great.